Congratulations to Zelda Lane for Achieving the 20/20 Club!

Meet Zelda!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Zelda Lane to the 20/20 Club! Zelda tells us, "I was born in Harlem and raised in the South Bronx. I came to Atlanta to attend Clark College (currently, Clark Atlanta University). After graduating, I decided to make Georgia my home. I reside in Powder Springs, Georgia with my husband Mike, of almost 25 years, and my daughter. I have a bonus daughter and two bonus sons. I love traveling, spending time with family and friends, listening to audiobooks, cooking and brunching. I am a full-time IT consultant who travels for business, and a realtor. I've had the opportunity to travel to Belgium twice for business and have traveled to several other countries for both business and leisure. I love cruises and all-inclusive resorts.

"I was intrigued after listening to the PlanNet Marketing presentation. It just made sense and I was eager to invite others to hear what I heard. I enrolled my first business partner the day after I joined the business. I knew I was a novice in the business and did not want to 'over share' the information because I was so excited. I am coachable and do not have a problem leaning on my sponsor, coaches and mentors for advice and direction. I realize I have to go through the numbers and build relationships along the way. I know 'to think, is to put it in ink!' so I am focusing on consistently writing down prospects, tracking results, and following up.

"My advice to others is to remember NO does not mean never. Sometimes NO means not now. Listen to your leaders, plug into the events, and read or listen to personal development books. They will help you grow and toughen your skin.

"A fun fact about me is that I write poetry, have several framed poetic keepsakes in other countries, and several poetic pieces transcribed in braille. One of my favorite quotes is, 'energy flows where attention goes.' My attention is on sharing the opportunity with as many people as possible, achieving and helping others reach Directorship, and leaving a legacy."

