PlanNet Marketing congratulates Whitney Holbrook for achieving One-Star Director! Whitney tells us, "I am from the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan, and currently reside there with plans to move to the Atlanta area this fall! My interests are first and foremost being the best mom I can be to my daughter, living a cultured, enriched lifestyle, and pursuing everything I ever dreamed of. I love spending time outdoors in the sun and especially by the water!
"Because of this amazing opportunity, I've been able to take multiple trips with my daughter and also earn while I am traveling – giving me more freedom and flexibility!
"My success at PlanNet Marketing is a direct result of the leadership I follow. My Coach, Director Nina Vital, has a vast knowledge in the industry but also in the psychology of people. She always stresses the importance of staying plugged in, personally developing, and remaining coachable! Being consistent and committed to those things will bring success along with doing the work! The work will not forget you! Focus on the controllables and get addicted to the winning result!
"Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for your vision and creating this vehicle! Thank you to all of those behind the scenes who help make this possible for us every day!"