PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Tarshia Franklin to the 100 Century Club! Tarshia tells us, "I would like to start off by saying 'God Did,' as nothing is possible without Him. I started this business on October 18, 2020. I quickly ranked up, hitting DIT and 40/40 in six months, 60/60 in eight months, Director in nine months, and 80/80 in nine months.
"PlanNet Marketing has been a great asset in my life. I am not only able to secure a legacy for my family, but am able to help others in the process. I am extremely honored to be receiving such an important acknowledgement and to be part of the Century Club. I am sincerely grateful for the recognition I have received for my work, because I worked so hard to get here. I personally sponsored 100 people last September; September 3, 3021. to be exact. Then, attrition happened the same day, literally hours after. Imagine how I felt. I was so distraught, but I didn’t allow it to stop me from moving forward. As I tell my team, 'adjustments over excuses,' so I had to model that as well. In addition, I was experiencing pregnancy complications and I had my daughter, Saige. in November of 2021. I vowed to myself to reach the Century Club before she turned one year old.
"I have faced several challenges on my way here, but each one of them has only strengthened me to make me the person I am today; someone who sets her eyes on a goal and does not lose sight of it, unless it is achieved. Achieving this would not have been possible without the motivation I have received from my sons, Julius and Jahan. This would not have been possible without the encouragement I received from my team; every time I reminded them of the goal, they simply said, 'You got this!' I sincerely thank each one of you for helping me reach a stage where I can proudly show my achievement.
"Lastly, thank you to PlanNet Marketing for allowing me to reach this milestone and help others with their journey of financial freedom along the way."