PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Shauna Starks to the 40/40 Club! Shauna tells us, "The leaders of PlanNet Marketing always say that on your run to Directorship, most of the work will come from you. And they have not been more true.
"Hitting 40/40 is a challenge because it requires you to sponsor and retain 40 partners simultaneously. 40/40 requires a leader to be able to keep their team INVOLVED in the business even when their team isn’t ENGAGED in the business. It's taken me nearly two years to go from 20/20 to 40/40. But, within those two years I've become a better student, a better servant and a better leader. My mindset has shifted. And my skill set has been sharpened.
"Last year I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer and my world came to a halt for a BRIEF minute. It was my FAITH that pushed me to keep fighting...not just for my life, but for the FREEDOM that PlanNet Marketing offers. My business became my refuge. I stayed plugged into the events, the trainings, and the IMVs. I talked to my Success Coach every day. I followed his plays and I grew my team to DIT in August of last year.
"I put in the work while still working my full-time job and working through the side effects of chemotherapy. I REFUSED TO GIVE UP on my goals and my passion to LIVE MY BEST BLESSED LIFE. I am forever grateful to my support system, comprised of family, business partners and friends. By the Grace of God, as of October 25, 2023, I am COMPLETELY healed.
"Now, I am preparing for a Quantum Leap in my business. Just watch!"