PlanNet Marketing congratulates Natasha Agee Wilson for achieving One-Star Director! Natasha was born and raised in the extremely small town of Maplesville, Alabama. She tells us, “With so little to do and even less to see, it has always been my dream to leave and see the world without wiping out my bank account every time I wanted to travel somewhere. I currently work in healthcare traveling as a certified hemodialysis technician. This business has helped me go from 12-16 hours a day, six days a week, to 12 hours or less, 3-4 days a week.
“I started as a single mother and although the marketing side was not my plan at first, it quickly became a part of me. Along the way, I kept telling myself words I heard from Mr. Moore one night on Zoom, “You’ll win if you don’t quit.” It has been quite a journey with my father’s health declining and him having multiple strokes the past two years, but that phrase has stuck with me.
“If there’s any advice I could give, I’d say be selfless and be a team player. When you help other people solve their financial problems, yours will automatically be taken care of.
“Fun fact: After attending convention in Dallas, I said I will be in that Director’s lounge at the next convention. I refused to be finding food and seating in 2022. There’s power in manifestation!