PlanNet Marketing welcomes Maureen Adams to the 40/40 Club! She tells us, “I am a wife of 33 years to my husband, Ron, a mom of three and a new grandmother. I grew up in Steubenville, Ohio. I am one of seven children to a stay-at-home mom and father who worked in the steel mill. I moved to Maryland when I married until recently relocating to Charleston, South Carolina.
“I started my business to help overcome the empty nest syndrome and to build something solid for my retirement future. I did so prayerfully and this opportunity presented itself during my time of prayer. I have always loved the idea of travel, but with living away from all family, every family vacation was spent traveling to the same area year after year to visit parents and siblings. We never fulfilled our dreams of visiting other destinations. I started my business right before the pandemic hit, so I learned how to book, and I learned how to cancel! Staying dedicated during this trying time has molded me into the well-rounded business owner I am today. I have strong leadership above and surrounding me that I am extremely grateful for; I did not get here alone.
“I work my business part-time as I work full-time pastoral care for my church, but plan to make my business full-time when I retire. If I can encourage anyone to stick with this when you feel like you’re in a valley, know that you will soon be on a mountain top. This past year I had been met with covid, breast cancer surgery, traveling back and forth to Florida to care for my mother and then her death, and a move from Maryland to South Carolina. It hasn’t been easy and there will always be obstacles, but I encourage you to stick to your daily method of operation for your business no matter what and never give up on your dream. You will get through your valley and land on a mountain of success. Keep looking up!”