PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Jay Ryder-Mckay to the 20/20 Club! Jay tells us, "I am a 35-year-old mum of a just turned one-year-old little boy called Freddie. I was a professional event rider with my own yard and coaching business from Northumberland, UK and absolutely love holidays and staycations. I decided I wanted to do this to give me time and financial freedom so that I could be the best mum I could be and build the life I wanted for my family after having to step back from riding professionally, and I wanted to do something I was passionate about but also that gave me the self-employed freedom I always had. I have fallen in love with this business and talk to everyone about it; I’ve learned as much as I can about it and fully believe it can benefit everyone and I think that’s why I’ve had success – the belief shines through. I love talking to people about their holidays and I love helping people save or make money. I want my team to all be really successful in their own right and every single day I remember my why.
"After having a really tough few years, I have huge plans for this business and know that if I’m consistent, it’ll pay off. It’s all about hard work and showing up every day even if it’s just for an hour.
"I love holidays, anywhere from a week in the lakes in a gorgeous cottage with our two labradors, to a beach holiday in beautiful Greece or a city break in Paris, I am here for it and would choose making memories over anything material any day.
"I look every day at the top successful people in this business, trawl their socials and learn from their insights and do what I can to ‘follow the leader’ as well as bringing my own ideas in. This business really is for anyone and I’m so lucky to have found it when I have."