Congratulations to Dr. Maja Durant for achieving One-Star Director! Maja tells us, "I am the Vice President, HR for a global paper packaging company. Currently residing in Atlanta, GA, I am originally from Florence, SC. A little over two years ago, I was introduced to an opportunity that gave me the ability to impact lives outside of the corporate board room. The residual income that PlanNet Marketing offers my family is an amazing addition, but what means more is the phenomenal vision of Mr. Donald Bradley and the many other leaders in the organization. The heart of servant leadership, the training and the guidance on how to impact lives is what has truly resonated with me. The approach to build a team is the same one that I use in my corporate life. I speak authentically from the heart about an amazing opportunity, train coaches, and develop these partners when they join, and truly support them through the duration of the time that they are partnering with me – which has led to long lasting partnerships.
"I love to travel, mostly domestic, believe it or not. So many great states to visit and see. I also love spending time in the Caribbean.
"I am a new bride, married April 1 (not a joke), a mother and an avid traveler. My pride and joy are my two daughters, 'The Presidents,' Kennedi and Raygan."