Congratulations to Cheri Tutt for Achieving One-Star Director!

Meet Cheri!

Congratulations to Cheri Tutt for achieving One-Star Director! Cheri was born and raised in Augusta, Georgia. She tells us, "I love museums, history and all roads leading to the, theatre, dance and crafting. Years ago I traveled with friends from college to Ghana; now my dream is to take my family there as well. My husband and I have always loved learning and exploring different cultures with our children. So the desire to travel outside of the United States is a truly attainable goal to accomplish with PlanNet Marketing now more than ever. 

"The road to Directorship was not an easy one, but more than worth it. Staying plugged in, being humble enough to ask for guidance or help and being coachable is the key to growth and success here.

"My true passion lies in building meaningful relationships and empowering others to achieve their goals. I believe that success is best achieved when we support one another and I’m deeply committed to helping anyone attached to me thrive as well win for their families. 

"Fun fact about me: Right out of college I appeared in a lifetime movie where my character was in drowning scene...I panicked because I can’t swim. Hence the end of my acting career."

