PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Carlie Cardle to the 20/20 Club! Carlie tells us, "I'm from a small town called Lytham in the Northwest of England. I love spending time with my family, doing yoga and looking after my mind as much as possible with lots of mindfulness classes close to where I live. I would say before this business, travel was all I thought about. From a young age I did a lot of solo travelling, heading to Asia, Australia, Tokyo, I did a yoga retreat in Nepal, and one of my best trips was a road trip in California, stopping off at Coachella!
"I would say my success is mainly from goal setting; having a clear vision of where I want to be and really breaking it down into small bite size chucks so I don’t ever feel overwhelmed or that I can’t achieve it! My team are incredible and I’ve been really selective who I want in my circle as I feel the people around you can really affect your progress in business!
"Fun fact about me: I’m actually a barber! I’ve had my salon for over eight years now and the reason I went into the hair industry was because it’s a skill I could take wherever in the world I wanted to go! Funny now how my two careers have partnered up and I now use my chair as one of my biggest networking opportunities! "