Congratulations to Alisha Barton for Achieving the 20/20 Club!

Meet Alisha!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Alisha Barton to the 20/20 Club! Alisa is from Parrish, AL and now lives in Nauvoo, AL. She tells us, "I am a wife to Jared and a mother of three boys: Hayden, Caleb and Jacob. I love to travel and experience new adventures with my family. I absolutely love to cruise. We love to travel to the beach in Gulf Shores and the mountains. My favorite travel experience so far is Niagara Falls. I fell in love with Canada. We have an exciting trip planned for next month where my twins will be going to San Antonio, Texas for the first time and we are excited to share this beautiful place with them. 

"I have worked hard to achieve my goals through many obstacles that were meant to break me. I took all those emotions and made it my goal to help one family at a time no matter what I was facing. My tip is to set your goal, write it down, speak it out loud, and never give up on your goals. I think the best advice I have is to remain coachable and consistent and you will see your business grow.

"Some fun facts about me are that I love riding horses, and I never met a stranger – I can talk to anyone."

