What is Bonus Buying? Let’s reword it to make it a bit easier to understand – think of it as “Buying the Bonus.” Bonus Buying is purchasing an ITA solely for the purpose of collecting bonuses or achieving rank – and it’s prohibited.
Bonus Buying can take many forms, some of them might even look ok. You might be unknowingly participating – even if you aren’t the one paying for the ITA. So, let’s talk more about what it looks like, what happens when you do it and the consequences for attempting to purchase rank or position.
1) What does Bonus Buying look like?
Bonus Buying is enrolling or reactivating ITAs (or in some cases Reps) without their knowledge or consent. Sometimes the enrollments are real people who just don’t really want to be ITAs/Reps, sometimes the enrollments are non-existent people who are made up in order to create an account. However it is done, if a Rep pays for another Rep or ITA in any way – it can be considered Bonus Buying. When a Rep pays for others consistently and repetitively, in order to reactivate a downline or fill up empty slots toward the next level of earnings? It looks purposeful and fraudulent.
2) What happens in a Rep’s account and to PlanNet Marketing when someone engages in Bonus Buying?
The biggest effect of Bonus Buying is the overpayment of commissions to the direct Rep and every level of upline (through nine levels). It defrauds PlanNet Marketing of money that was not earned. When caught, it also creates commission errors and the need for manual corrections to many accounts. It’s extra work for our Support teams at PlanNet Marketing and it opens us up to future errors and issues with those same accounts. If the Rep enrolled real people who aren’t interested or non-existent people – there are now ITA/Rep accounts that will eventually be canceled. This creates an even larger deficit toward that Rep’s next level of qualification. It might seem helpful to just “buy” those last three or four or ten ITAs toward your next level of Directorship, but once you get there – how will you maintain that level? How will you reach the next level? These purchases could become very costly, very quickly. Speaking of cost…
3) What are the consequences for a Rep who is caught Bonus Buying (or just attempting it)?
If a Rep is caught Bonus Buying, they will be fined for the overpayment of any commissions paid by PlanNet Marketing. But that isn’t all, the consequences are much higher than just a fine. The offending Rep could also lose their rank, their Directorship, even their business. PlanNet Marketing has the right to terminate an account if a Rep is found to be Bonus Buying.
Bonus Buying is a fraudulent business practice that PlanNet Marketing strictly and absolutely prohibits. In an effort to protect the integrity of our company and each and every person who works with us as a Rep, we will take strong and decisive action against any person who is found to be, or appears to be, purchasing ITAs solely for the purpose of collecting bonuses or achieving rank.
-- PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures Section 5.9 & 8.3, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance -- arestivo@plannetmarketing.com