At PlanNet Marketing – meetings are a big deal! They gather individuals who are looking to know more, they gather individuals who are looking to GROW more, they gather Reps and prospects, they are a great place for training, motivation and occasionally an award.
Meetings – both in person and virtual – are a cornerstone in our business. If you are a Rep who is actively working your business, you are likely attending meetings and sending others to attend meetings.
Let’s talk about some ways to ensure our meeting advertisements are not only compliant – but EFFECTIVE!
1) Be CLEAR About the Purpose of the Meeting.
If you are a PlanNet Rep who is hosting your own meeting, please be clear about what will happen and who you are looking to attract. Most likely you are hosting a PlanNet Marketing Business Presentation where the official PlanNet Marketing PowerPoint will be viewed. Don’t call this a "Networking Event" or an "Entrepreneur Linkup." Those descriptions sound like events where every networker gets to share their business with others and leverage one another. Reps only talk about our business at our events. Please be 100% clear about what is happening at your meeting. In addition, be clear that this is not an offering of employment or a "JOB." We want to ensure no one thinks they are coming to an event to "be hired" - we are not hosting a Job Fair. This is a business meeting.
2) Use Official Flyers When Available.
If someone else, such as a local Director, is hosting a meeting, please use their flyer instead of creating your own. You can still post their flyer with your own invitation, but let’s be respectful of another person’s event. They are hosting and potentially paying a fee to use the room; please make sure you and your guests are fully aware what the purpose of meeting is (see #1) and make sure those you invite really want to attend that event (and that it is for them).
EXAMPLE: Don’t openly advertise an International Convention as a meeting for prospects. Convention is an amazing, exciting, motivational time that offers real training for PlanNet Reps. Prospects won’t want to pay hundreds to attend a training event for a business they haven’t bought into yet. Tell your TEAM about Convention. Send your prospects to a local business presentation.
Connect with Your Guests BEFORE the Meeting.
If you are advertising online or via social media, you may have attracted someone’s attention who you don’t personally know. It would be VERY wise to connect with that person and build a rapport before they attend a meeting, especially if you are not able to attend this event with your guest. If your guest arrives at a meeting and doesn't know who you are or doesn't feel any connection with you as a Sponsor – they WILL connect with someone at that meeting and sign up with them. It happens. A brand-new prospect who is excited about our business will latch on to the person who is present and answering their questions. Make sure you make a connection with them before they attend. Have a phone call or a Zoom, send a DM or an email, make sure they have your contact info, connect with them immediately before and after the meeting. Even if you are unable to be physically present – connecting with your prospect is key to earning the sale.
If you are not hosting the meeting and your card is not paying the expenses, you DO NOT ACCEPT MONEY. Period. No exceptions. Your guests need to pay at the door.
Most meetings are FREE for prospects and guests. Reps are often asked to pay a nominal fee to help cover the cost of the room. However, some events require every attendee to pay – such as Super Saturdays, Black Outs, Conventions – those registrations and payments should all be made directly to PlanNet Marketing, or when available, at the door of the event.
Exception: If you are hosting your own meeting and requiring a fee, be clear about why you are collecting a fee (maybe for food/drinks or just to cover the cost of the room) and keep the fee as low as possible. PlanNet Reps are not allowed to profit from hosting local meetings.
The PlanNet is growing! We are about to hit momentum and meetings are an AMAZING way to connect with one another, and with new prospects. By following the guidelines above, you are sure to be successful.
Contact Compliance@plannetmarketing.com with any questions you may have about meetings.
-- Policies and Procedures Section 4.1 and 4.4.A, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance -- arestivo@plannetmarketing.com