Compliance Corner

PlanNet Reps – there is no "hiding" from the rules. We have too many new people trying to enroll spouses (and say they aren't married when we question it) or change sponsors and not follow the policies. We have rules for a reason – and we need your help to keep our business running smoothly.
In order to create a fair business model for all, please follow the rules and teach your team to follow the rules.
Here's what Reps need to know:
If you and your spouse enroll, and you somehow DON'T get caught by compliance, and you make it to Director – we will 100% see it then and you will lose an account you worked hard to build! Don't lose money or your team – be compliant!
If you change sponsors without sitting out the appropriate amount of time, you will be turned off. You will lose your Matrix position and any new team members.
Trying to hide from compliance may earn you a few extra $$$ in the short term, but long term you will LOSE MONEY. Don't chance it. Run your business with Integrity and Transparency! #protecttheplannet
~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance --