Entrepreneurs often own and run more than one business. In our day and age, people are increasingly seeking financial freedom, time freedom and personal freedom through the means of at home business endeavors. Whatever you call it – a Plan B, side hustle or a home-based business – PlanNet Marketing wants to be your number 1!
That’s right, I said it, we want to be first on your Plan B list – because we know we probably aren’t the ONLY side hustle you’re running. But we do have some rules about how you can keep your PlanNet Marketing business running successfully and compliantly, while also working other home-based businesses.
1) Keep it Separate. We often talk about keeping your PlanNet business separate from your InteleTravel Agent business – this is definitely still true, but I’m going to take it a step further today. Keep your PlanNet Marketing Rep business separate from EVERY other business you operate. Keep it separate from your job, keep it separate from your part-time babysitting gig, keep it separate from your health and wellness business, keep it separate. What does that mean? It means don’t talk about both PlanNet and another business at the same time, in the same meeting, in the same post, on the same page, etc.
2) Be a Rep. Choose when to be a Rep ONLY. Sure, you may also be a travel agent, a hairdresser, a credit repair specialist or a tax filing expert, but choose to say "I’m a PlanNet Marketing Rep and I sell the business of travel!" Everyone travels and more and more people are making big plans for traveling in the coming year (I know I am!). Go ahead and talk about being a Rep! Keeping it separate does not mean keeping it secret.
3) Tell the World. Tell people about your PlanNet Marketing business! Don’t keep it a secret. Maybe you don’t want to flood your friends and family with too many biz opportunities, we get that. It doesn’t mean you can’t tell them anything. Better yet, change your presentation – instead of asking everyone to join you, just talk about the successes you are having and the resulting freedom you are experiencing. They will get curious and ask more – I promise!
4) Ask Questions. If you’re unsure what is and is not allowed, how to keep your businesses separate, if your post or email is compliant – ask us! We love to hear from you and would much rather have a conversation about your post BEFORE you put it out there for the world to see. Our compliance team is always available to answer these and any other questions you may have. You can reach us at Compliance@Plannetmarketing.com.
-- PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance -- arestivo@plannetmarketing.com