I recently completed an EXTREME connect the dots picture – the image contained over 900 dots!!! It was time consuming, painstaking work (and I had to wear my glasses – those dots were tiny) but in the end, I had such a beautiful image and feeling of satisfaction!
Your PlanNet Marketing business is like a real-life game of connect the dots. Your first dot may have been talking to a friend about PlanNet, seeing a post on social media, or attending a presentation…your last dot? Well, it’s a work in progress! But every step of the way – enrolling as a Rep, purchasing an ITA, attending your first company event, taking a trip, telling others about your business, selling your first ITA, paying your monthly fee, getting paid commissions, learning about the Policies and Procedures…they are all dots that create a more detailed image of your future success. The more dots you connect – the clearer that image becomes.
PlanNet Marketing offers a real, genuine opportunity for people to make money. The amount you earn depends on your willingness to work – this isn’t easy peasy, this can be painstaking “put your glasses on” kind of work. Make sure you’re following up with your sponsor and your prospects. Make sure you’re INVESTING TIME in your business. No one else will connect the dots for you – it’s up to you to make that image appear and create your own sense of satisfaction. PlanNet Marketing provides the dots, you connect them to success.
-- The Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance -- arestivo@plannetmarketing.com