If I may borrow a word from another, the day was “EPIC." We gathered at the Omni Hotel for training and inspiration (the Atlanta Blackout). I, along with a few others, knew that while this was the premise of the gathering, something “BIGGER” was about to happen. (If you know me, you know that I like surprises).
My husband and I decided to leverage our political capital with relationships that we have built, by seeking honor for the Bradleys. Well, the day did not disappoint in any form or fashion. We were privileged to witness honor being bestowed upon Donald and Deborah Bradley. These Servant Leaders (Founders of PlanNet Marketing) were saluted for this Extraordinary Vision they have for average people to live above average lives. The noteworthy commitment of PlanNet Marketing has been elevated in a phenomenal way, to say the least. Recognition came from the Halls of Congress by way of a “Special Congressional Recognition” to both Mr. and Mrs. Bradley from Congressman Hank Johnson. The DeKalb County Commissioners recognized the Bradleys with a proclamation (delivered by Commissioner Steve Bradshaw), declaring October 26, 2022 as Donald and Deborah Bradley Day. Atlanta’s Mayor Andre Dickens sent a congratulatory letter of recognition as well.
Well Deserved…Congratulations Bradleys…
~Robert and Vickie B. Turner
PlanNet Marketing Co-Founder Deborah Bradley:
Thank you City of Atlanta, Dekalb County, Congressional Recognition, my dear Soror Vickie Turner, Robert Turner and the entire PlanNet Marketing family for these honors. Over 1500 showed up for their success in Atlanta today!!! Build it and they will come! #PlanNetMarketing
From Six-Star Director Orlanda Moore:
PlanNet Marketing’s Regional Blackout Event this past Saturday was truly EPIC. To witness the Founder and Visionary, Mr. Donald Bradley and Mrs. Deborah Bradley, unbeknownst to them, be publicly recognized and honored for the positive impact they’ve made for tens of thousands of families and households around the world through their HEART work, passion and purpose over the past seven years was nothing short of amazing. I’ve always stated that PlanNet Marketing is BIGGER than just a business. Thank You, Mr. & Mrs. Bradley for EVERYTHING!!! Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Turner for your obedience to do what was laid on your heart to do! #PlanNetProud #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetCares #PlanNetPledge
From Three-Star Director Joy Dawkins:
PlanNet Marketing, CEO Donald Bradley and Mrs. Deborah Bradley are recognized by State City and County Representatives for the impact on our communities. This is a big deal and political proof that we are changing lives. #Joytotheworld #lifestyle #entrepreneur
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Celestine Christie:
Help me wish a huge Congratulations 👏🏾👏🏾 to the illustrious Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Deborah Bradley on a well deserved honor and recognition. I am extremely honored to be a part of and have witnessed History, which displays the seismic contributions made to the world 🌎 through PlanNet Marketing! Mr. and Mrs. Turner, the Mayor of Atlanta, and all of the elected officials are commended for recognizing these panjandrums who soooo deserve this recognition!!! #PlanNetProud #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetCares #letsgetit #helpingothers #communitymatters #atlantamayor #atlantaelectedofficials
From Three-Star Director Patricia Johnson:
CEO of PlanNet Marketing and his wife…. Donald Bradley and Deborah Bradley are so deserving of the DAY named after them in Dekalb County along with the accolades from the Mayor of Atlanta and a US Congressman!
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Regina Harris:
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Donald Bradley and Mrs. Deborah Bradley for the honor bestowed on them yesterday by the State of Georgia, the City of Atlanta and DeKalb County for their tireless efforts for the last 7 years in changing the financial futures of multiple thousands and contributing to the local economies throughout the U.S. and 20 countries. It was truly a thrill to have been present and a Blessing to know that I made the right decision 4 years ago when I joined PlanNet Marketing! Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for your vision and commitment to helping ’ordinary people earn extraordinary income’!! #PlanNetProud
From One-Star Director Sonya Phillips:
I am truly PlanNet Proud!! Today was an amazing day at our PlanNet Marketing Blackout event. Proclamations were given to Donald Bradley and Deborah Bradley from Atlanta Mayor, Dekalb County, and Special Congressional Recognition for their work to enrich the lives of people financially through PlanNet Marketing as well as help women and children living in shelters through PlanNet Cares Foundation. #AtlantaBlackOut #changinglives #PlanNetProud
From One-Star Director Maria Richardson:
When you are connected to something bigger than just you! Our founders Donald Bradley and Deborah Bradley not only did they receive a Special Congressional award from OUR NATION'S CAPITAL but OCTOBER 26th is DONALD and DEBORAH BRADLEY DAY in Dekalb County!🥳 #TheirStoryToldOnTheirTerms #JoinUs #PlanNetProud #ConnectionIsKey #PlanNetMarketing #ProjectFreedom
From One-Star Director Mike Banks, Jr.:
I know that I am definitely connected to the right people doing the right things for people, and then today this happens at our Blackout Event in Atlanta. Mr. Donald Bradley and Mrs. Deborah Bradley congratulations and truly well deserved. #ChangingLivesDaily #Grateful #LeavingALegacy #SayYesToOpportunity #55 #PlanNetProud #ItsBiggerAndBetter #ItsRecognized
From Three-Star Director Kwanya Hall-Martin:
Just so you know it's bigger than me! When your Founder & CEO, Donald Bradley, and his wife Deborah Bradley are recognized by our elected officials for their servantship to the community and adding to the finances of the people in the City and surrounding counties.
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Sherry Smith:
This business is too legit to quit! ”Go Gold” but not stopping there and don’t care how long it takes because I am loving the extra as I grow! It's time to “Close It Out”!!! Congratulations to Donald Bradley and his lovely wife, Deborah Bradley for being recognized for pouring back into ATL! I personally thank them for having the vision! #focus #PlanNetProud #stayingfocused #WillNotABill #security #ItsMoreThanTravel
From Four-Star Director Ferne Sapp:
Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Deborah Bradley on a well deserved honor and recognition. History will serve to show the seismic contribution you both have made to the world 🌎 through PlanNet Marketing! I’m incredibly blessed to have witnessed these proclamations on today!!! Salute to the city of Atlanta, Dekalb County, and the Congress for the recognition from our Nation’s Capital. Wow!!! #PlanNetProud #PlanNetMarketing #ToGodBeTheGlory
From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
PlanNet Marketing is on the Radar…National, State, and Local Political Leaders Have Spoken! We are on a mission to disrupt the lives of people for positive change economically through entrepreneurship. The evidence is here…join our movement!
From Three-Star Director Tawanda Shamley:
Yesterday was one for the books and truly a day of honor! Congratulations Donald Bradley and Deborah Bradley for receiving proclamations and recognition from Congressman Hank Johnson, the Mayor of Atlanta, the Mayor of Stonecrest, and Dekalb County officials! You conceived PlanNet Marketing, you believed it would happen, and now you are achieving the success you have labored for. We honor and thank you! #PlanNetMarketing
From Three-Star Director Tisha DeShields:
Today was Amazing. Our Founders Donald & Deborah Bradley were both honored for their Heart & Passion for the community.
From Two-Star Director Donna Susor:
Wow! To witness this in person, blew me away! Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Deborah Bradley on a well deserved honor and recognition. #PlanNet, #PlanNetMarketing, #PlanNetStrong, #WeArePlanNet, #Atlanta, #changinglivesdaily
From Two-Star Director Shaunte Garrett:
The PlanNet is on fire! 🔥🔥🔥 Like minded people coming together to embark on our journey of financial freedom! As well as our founders and mentors Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bradley receiving a proclamation from the City of Atlanta, Dekalb County and the Congressional Recognition from Washington DC! #WinningCulture #entrepreneurmindset #multiplestreamsofincome #Soproud #millionairemindset
From Three-Star Director Lorie Banatte:
So THIS HAPPENED 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Beyond Proud and honored to be a part of greatness is truly an understatement 💯 This weekend our Founder and Visionary of our Company was Honored by the Mayor and US Senate with Congressional Recognition from the House of Representatives for their Outstanding services, Excellence, Stewardship and significant impact in our Nation with our ecomomy with 7 years of Stellar work AND presented their own day (Proclamation) October 26, 2022 Donald and Deborah Bradley Day from the Mayor of Atlanta.️ WOW... this is Divine ✨️ God is moving 🙏🏾 Oh and on top of that 2 of my sisters in success were awarded the RUBY ring signifying that they are now earning a Quarter of a Million Dollars Residually Annually. This is the business that is changing lives and we are truly at the Right Place at the Right Time 🙌🏾 And if I ever shared this business with you I do not want you to miss this. #TheTimeisNow #Evidence #StellarCompany #LegacyBusiness #ImpactingFamiliesALLOverTheGlobe
From Three-Star Director Shenila Hill-Rodriguez:
Yesterday was phenomenal. In front of a crowd of 1500, PlanNet Marketing was recognized from the Halls of Congress, by DeKalb County Government, as well as recognition from the Mayor of Atlanta for being an outstanding organization that is helping people change their lives. It was recognized that in 7 years, we've grown to 75,000, expanded to 22 countries and our travel partner Inteletravel has booked over 1. 5 billion dollars in travel. Congratulations to Mr. Donald Bradley and Mrs. Deborah Bradley for your outstanding vision to help average people create financial freedom and live extraordinary lives. I am privileged to be part of the team. #PlanNetMarketing