PlanNet Marketing has a new Mobile App!
Download it today from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store!
The PlanNet Marketing Rep Mobile App is your go-to tool to Share, Build & Manage your business.
Sharing your PlanNet Marketing Opportunities with your Leads, managing and tracking your business and achievements is the key to building a strong and prosperous business. The PlanNet Rep Mobile App is your tool to accomplish this and much more.

If you already have the app, follow these simple steps:
1. Uninstall the old App
2. Go to your App Store
3. Search for the "PlanNet Marketing Reps" app in the Apple App Store,
or the "PlanNet Reps" app in the Google Play Store (see icon above)
4. Install the new App and log in.

If you are a new PlanNet Mobile App user, you must first purchase it, either when you enroll or later by clicking on 'Make A Purchase' in the Quick Links section of your Virtual Office. There is an initial fee of $1.00 US when you purchase the App and then a recurring monthly fee of $4.95 US each month thereafter.
For more information about the App and all of its features, visit https://www.plannetmarketing.com/en-us/Mobile-App-Help.