7 Figure Success School Recap!

SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2022

From PlanNet Marketing Co-Founder Deborah Bradley:
Abundance Mentality at its finest!!!

From Six-Star Director Natalie Graham:
Yesterday was πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Shout out to our visionary Donald Bradley for gracing the stage alongside longtime friend Holton Buggs.. to pour into us! It was PHENOMENAL!✨#PlanNetMarketing

From Six-Star Director Orlanda Moore:
People who aren’t willing to pay the price for winning, pay the price by losing. #nextdimension #winning #love #life #lifestyle #business #entrepreneurs #wealth #health #wealthy #healthy #people #families #help #change #live #livelife #upgradingbankaccounts #enhancinglifestyles #enrichingrelationships #mentalhealth #emotional #spiritual #physical #OrlandaMoore

From PlanNet Marketing Rep Sheila Solomon:
About Saturday’s 7 Figure School … It Was Powerful, Mind Shifting, & Re-Enrollment Day All In One Power Packed Conversation, With Multi-Millionaires Donald Bradley & Holton Buggs! #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetProud #NextLevel

From PlanNet Marketing Rep Takilla Speer-Skipper:
It was good gaining knowledge and sharing laughs with another one of my mentors, Natalie Graham, at 7 Figure School yesterday. #multimillionaire #ItsUpFromHere #nextlevel #Grindmode #atlantaweekend #networking #TeamPlanNet

From Three-Star Director Jassy Mc Bride:
7 Figure School in Atlanta was nothing short of AMAZING! To be poured into by Multimillionaire Mr Holten Buggs for over 3 hours was absolutely PRICELESS! Thank you to our PlanNet Founder Mr Donald Bradley for continuing to elevate and expose us to an ultimate life change and enhancement! So many precious moments and Goal Getters! πŸ’›πŸ’°πŸ”₯

From PlanNet Marketing Rep LaToya Bailey:
7 figure school was phenomenal. There is ALWAYS another level and this event truly opened my eyes even more. It's ok to desire more, it's ok to want more, and live in abundance and I am going for it. It's time for a mindset shift, it's time to raise the bar to #AnotherLevel #mompreneur 

From Five-Star Director Letoria Mayberry:
What a weekend first 7 figure school which was extremely phenomenal! Afterwards, I had an opportunity to spend time with my business partners for great food, fellowship and fun!! I love the fact we can not only build wealth together but also have fun together!

From Four-Star Director Ferne Sapp:
AUDACITY:  au·dac·i·ty /ôˈdasΙ™dΔ“/ a willingness to take bold risks. I have the AUDACITY to go for 7-Figures, what about you? The TEAM of future Millionaires showed up today for their success!!! I’ve once heard it said that we should never measure our success by what we do personally, but rather by how those around us are succeeding. I’m so proud of every one of these leaders and I agree with each of them for their MILLIONS. Thank you Mr. Donald Bradley, you are indeed OUR VISIONARY! #7FigureSchool #PlanNetProud #PlanNetMarketing  My life will NEVER BE THE SAME!!! It’s the 7-Figure School for me! Shift your mentality…#PlanNetProud #PlanNetMarketing #NewGoals

From PlanNet Marketing Rep Celencia Wallace:
Not only were we privileged to have 3 Millionaire Leaders in our company in the room, we were able to learn from 2 other Multi-Millionaires and get the πŸ”‘πŸ”‘ to getting and maintaining 7 Figure Success at 7 Figure School!!! When I tell you, it was Lit and I am sooo Full! It's only up from here!!!  Let's Get It! #success #goals #believe #mindshift #mindset #letsgo #millionairemindset #shifthappens #chooseyourcirclewisely #7FigureSchool

From Five-Star Director J.P. Watkins-Mukes:
Discipline can take you places motivation can not. Stick with it! #onefamilyatatime #mentorshipisagift

From One-Star Director Sabrina Perryman:
7 Figure Success School!! I love surrounding myself with people who stretch me to greatness!! #shiftyourmentality

From Three-Star Director Adairia Tarver-Vinson:
πŸ“Œ7 Figure School + Spirit of Excellence + Abundance Mentality + I’ve Been Stretched Out Of My Comfort Zone + No Turning Back = Atlanta, GA owes me NOTHINGβ€ΌοΈπŸ’―#COOPeration #Collaboration #RelationshipsMatter #7figureschool #IndustryGiants #PlanNetProud πŸ’™πŸ§‘#PlanNetMarketing #andthentherewere12 #PlanNetUnited #IfYouKnewWhatIKnew #YouWoudDoWhatIDo #NextLevel #NoExcuses #atvmoments

From Three-Star Director DeJoirΓ© Benson:
I don’t miss events that I am qualified to attend! #PlanNetProud

From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
Seven Figure Success School was a huge outpouring of knowledge for all of the future millionaires of our company.  We are not Waiting for it to happen…We are Making it happen!  #WeArePlanNetProud #WeCanChangeYourLife

From Three-Star Director Carla Scott:
Why settle for a 6 FIGURE income when 7 FIGURE IS AN OPTION. #nextlevel #mindset #legacycompany  #PlanNetMarketing #moneygoals

From PlanNet Marketing Rep Kelly Williams:
Atlanta owes me nothingπŸ”₯Almost 1000 of us gathered for multi million nuggets on how to get to the next levelπŸ†Mindsets and circles need to change when you’re going for 7 & 8 plus figuresπŸ‘‘ Conversations are differentπŸ’―Thank you Mr Donald Bradley for your selflessness & your vision to help eradicate poverty on the PlanNet🌏Mr Holton Buggs what you delivered Saturday was priceless‼️Thank youπŸ’― #PlanNetProud #PlanNetMarketing #plannetunited #WinningSeason #mindset

From PlanNet Marketing Rep Benjamin Akins:
Special thanks to those in attendance for 7-Figure Success School! πŸ™ŒπŸΏ Broken down and rebuilt in a single 4-hour session! πŸ’― #PRICELESS

From Three-Star Director Nate Newman:
Why settle for six figures when seven is on the table! These champions showed up to learn from the best! I love my team! It's an honor to work with individuals who love helping others win! Who's in your circle? More importantly who's in your corner! It's to prepare for a massive harvest! It's not too late to participate! Let's connect! #SevenFigureSchool #HoltonBuggs #DonaldBradley #PeopleOverProfits #LetsBreakTheBank

From PlanNet Marketing Rep Tanishia Huling:
Been at 6-figures long enough…it’s time to move up to where I belong!!!  #7FigureSuccessSchool #WheelsUp #ItsTime #TravelpreneurLife

From Two-Star Director MaryEllen Poellnitz:
7 Figure School did not disappoint not even an Itsy Bitsy bit. Don’t do what’s good … Do what Duplicates! When you come by yourself you Learn a lot but when you come with your team you Earn a lot! If you missed it… you MISSED out! 7 Figure School is going down in the “A” #PlanNetProud Mr. Holton Buggs put it down! #Friendships/Relationships are the new currency #tuh

From Three-Star Director Yvette Green:
Atlanta, Ga 7 figure School..Whatch you doing to meet your goals financially and Personally. Money's not everything but it sure can pay for the things that mean everything.

From One-Star Director Sheila Peterson:
🀝🏾More about 7 Figure School! Never miss a meeting, you qualify to attend! I'M Planning to Live, not Die!πŸ™ŒπŸ½ " I WILL CHANGE MY FAMILY'S FINANCIAL BLOOD LINE"πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ‘ŠπŸ½#Entrepreneur #entrepreneurshiplife #travel #roadtofinancialfreedom #millionairemindset #debtfreedom #retirementgoals

From Three-Star Director Denesha Bailey:
Why settle for $100k when you can make 1Mil? PlanNet Marketing 7 Figure School was nothing short of amazing. Learning from multimillionaires, my business partners and I were filled. Learning and earning all at the same time!

From Three-Star Director Keda Mason:
7 Figure Success School was AMAZING πŸ”₯πŸ”₯I PROMISE I will NEVER LOOK πŸ‘€ at MY BUSINESS the SAME AGAIN πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½ #Blessed #14Pillars

From Three-Star Director Patricia Johnson:
7 Figures on my mind!! Yesterday was on πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ !! It feels great to know that when people get it, they are ready and willing to share the knowledge!!! Why settle for 6 figures when 7 figures are on the table? #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetProud #generationalwealth #residualincome #travel

From One-Star Director LaDonna Spratley:
When you have people that will take time to pour into you and want to see you succeed, You show up and LEVEL UP⬆️ Thank you to our true Visionary Mr. Donald Bradley! Much Honor and Respect✨ ️Next Level! #ReEnroll #access  #mycircle #mycorner  #mycorner #journey #MyVisionIsClear #visionstretched #PlannetMarketing #PlanNetProud

From Three-Star Director Kwanya Martin:
I cannot thank this team of servants enough for their continued & committed service to the PlanNet! Yes, I think it's time we take this show on the road. Again, thanks for all you do .... all the time. (Several members are not pictured, but we thank you still). Love and appreciate you more than you know.





