The 2022 Director Summit held in Las Vegas, NV from January 13-15 at the Venetian Resort was packed with PlanNet Reps ready to take it to the next level! The Summit included Moments with Millionaires, Boot Camps, Trainings, a Leadership Dinner, special guest speakers, PlanNet Marketing Legal Counsel Kevin Thompson and PlanNet Marketing General Counsel Roxann Smithers; and last but not least, fellowship, networking and fun! Enjoy these slide shows from this amazing business-building event!
From Four-Star Director Ferne Sapp:
The level of expectation in this room IS…on 10➕➕➕➕➕➕!!! The biggest investments get the biggest returns. Tonight lives will change, in fact it’s happening RIGHT NOW!!! #2022DirectorSummit #PrivilegedToBeInTheRoom #Access #PlanNetMarketing #seasonofsacrifice #myfutureDESERVESit #NeverMissAnEventImQualifiedToAttend
From Three-Star Director Denesha Bailey:
Get dressed and go into rooms with people we can learn from! 🙌🏾 How much would you pay to sit in a room and learn from millionaires and multimillionaires? #DirectorsSummit #MillionaireConversations
From Two-Star Director Tandisizwe Rhone:
THIS is where my circle spends quality time. We have chosen to receive solid nuggets from millionaires. Millionaires who are NOT keeping it secret….the “HOW” to generate the income we deserve. For ourselves and those we hold dear❣️❣️ #thevenetian #itsourtime #whoisinyourcircle #ICanChangeYourLife
From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
Our PlanNet Marketing Director’s Leadership Summit kicked off with conversations with our million dollar income earners. The evidence was in the room and people received the real talk about how to obtain wealth.
From Three-Star Director Tisha DeShields: Moments with a Millionaire in Las Vegas. Leaders must continue to sharpen their ‘ax’ and the best way to sharpen it, is to be around others who want to sharpen theirs too! #MillionaireMindset #Winning #NextLevel
From Two-Star Director Tanya Parker:
Scenes from the first day of the Director’s Summit in Vegas…. How often do you get to hear from 4 millionaires who love to pour into you, to help your business grow? I count it a blessing and really thank my team for consistently showing up for their success! If you want something different, you MUST do something different!
From Three-Star Director Pethral Daniels:
Night with Millionaires in Las Vegas complete! What an awesome experience to learn from those already earning what I want to earn!
From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
Day 2 of PlanNet Marketing’s Director’s Summit was packed with information for the over 450 attendees. We are on the path of impacting so many lives in 2022. Now is the time to execute! This group is truly on the path of greatness. Our Directors and Leaders dinner added style, class, and elegance. The food, fellowship, and networking created a solid bond between business partners that is going to take our company to the next level. #WeArePlanNetProud #RelationshipsMatter #SolidifyingGoals
From Four-Star Director Ferne Sapp:
Tonight has been nothing short of AMAZING!!! A special salute to our Visionary & Founders for giving the people something to look to…your ability to cast vision is impeccable and appreciated. Thank you Mr. Donald Bradley and Mrs. Deborah Bradley!
From Five-Star Director J.P. Watkins-Mukes:
The Director’s Summit in Vegas is simply amazing! I love that my business looks like a vacation. ❤️✈️
From Three-Star Director Nate Newman:
Show me your circle and I'll show you your future! My circle includes multiple Six & Seven Figure Earners! #LevelUp #MyJubileeYear #NateNewman #SixFigurePerMonthConversations
From One-Star Director Donna Susor:
Having an amazing time tonight with some amazing people.🤩 So grateful for these 2! 😍
From Three-Star Director Tanisha Burke:
General session training for PlanNet Marketing. These people are serious about building their business in the $8 trillion dollar travel industry. In order to go up you must show up! #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetMarketingDirectorSummit2022
From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
Final Day of our Director’s Leadership Summit was securing for our future! We had an opportunity to meet with the company’s legal team. They let all of us know that our futures are solid. No Speculation…Simply Go Time! #WeArePlanNetProud #WeCanChangeYourLife
From Three-Star Director DeJoiré Benson:
Day 3 of 3. What an amazing weekend at our PlanNet Marketing Director Summit at the Venetian! Over the past 3 days, we have experienced amazing training, lifestyle, networking, and coaching like never before. The event was Stellar, on another level. Thanks so much to our Founder and Co-Founder, Mr. Donald Bradley and and Mrs. Deborah Bradley, for the many sacrifices that they make…DAILY!
From Two-Star Director Tanya Parker:
Anyone who really knows me knows that I take pride in how I carry myself, how I like things done in decency and order, and I’m grateful for a good reputation. 🙏🏽 I was elated to know that my company, PlanNet Marketing, had hired the top Network Marketing Attorney in the country, Kevin Thompson, who’s also featured in Bloomberg news, to make sure the company had a solid foundation, at its inception. Equally as important is Attorney Roxann Smithers, who hails from Columbia University, and is in charge of corporate matters and contracts. Hearing from both of these amazing leaders this morning emphasized my delight in starting my business in 2018, and in choosing the best opportunity on the planet, which is PlanNet Marketing!
From One-Star Director Janitress Miles:
When your founder is committed to ensuring your children’s children receive what you have invested your time, sweat, and energy into for the betterment of your family and others. He makes sure you hear the PlanNet Pledge straight from our legal counsel Smithers + Ume-Nwagbo, LLC.
Thank you Roxann Smithers for your time, expertise, knowledge, and servant leadership to support entrepreneurs.
From Two-Star Director André Sinclair:
PlanNet Director Summit 2022 Vegas…! This weekend in Vegas was an incredible experience and a real eye opener. So much education and value shared over the past few days from our founder CEO Donald Bradley, PlanNet legal counsel and the top leaders in the company. We continue to grow, help people and change lives…! I am truly honoured and blessed to be a part of this amazing opportunity. 2022 we’ll go to the next level! Join us …! #DoingBusiness #NetworkMarketingProfessional #NextLevel #Suitelife #SpiritOfExcellence #PlanNetProud
From One-Star Director Taryn Sinclair:
Leaders are born at events, and this event was there to stretch and grow everyone! This weekend at the PlanNet Marketing Director Summit was powerful! Incredible trainings & powerful panels from our Founder Mr. Donald Bradley, the top income earners Eileen Ross, Shedrick White, Orlanda Moore & Natalie Graham, our CFO Mr. Andy Cauthen and PlanNet Marketing’s legal counsel. I am forever grateful for this amazing opportunity that is changing so many people’s lives. #NextLevel #NextGear #Leadership
From Two-Star Director Trudy Scott:
About this weekend, we enjoyed an amazing three days in Las Vegas at the beautiful Venetian Hotel. We were joined by our Leadership Team, The most amazing Support Team, and business partners from across the country. Training, fellowship, appreciation, lunches, cocktail parties, and an incredible dinner with a live band. Las Vegas doesn't owe us anything. #PlanNetProud #PlanNetStrong #leadershipsummit2022 #makingalivingbyliving #SixYearsOld #changinglives #InFrontOfMomentum #ReadyFor2022
From Three-Star Director Adairia Tarver-Vinson:
📌Heading home after an incredible weekend with our PlanNet Family‼️ We are so grateful for the continual stretch of Mr. Donald Bradley to show us The Lifestyle we truly deserve‼️💯💯 It is our heartfelt desire to be the evidence that “All Things Are Possible…” and bring others along with us‼️💯💯Thank you PlanNet Marketing…we are committed UNTIL‼️🙌🏽🙌🏽 #PlanNetProud #JoinUs #IfWeCanDoIt #YouCanToo #Grateful #atvmoments
From Four-Star Director Louise Gatland:
DIRECTOR SUMMIT LAS VEGAS. Leaders are BORN at events. We have come back so full........ the education from Mr. Donald Bradley, Mr. Andy Cauthen, Shedrick White, Orlanda Moore, J.P. Watkins-Mukes, Eileen Ross and Natalie Graham was NEXT LEVEL. Thank you to you all. I'm inspired, I'm ready and most of all I'm excited for what is about to happen. Especially here in the UK.
Thank you to Taryn Sinclair and André Sinclair for travelling with me and well just everything you do and what we are about to do. Janie Haynes, this was the most eye opening event I have ever attended and I'm so glad you were there to experience it with me. This is your time just as it is my time. We have got this. NEVER MISS AN EVENT YOU’RE QUALIFIED TO ATTEND. To our incredible team, Saturday is going to be explosive as I said, never miss an event you’re qualified to attend. #PlanNetproud #leadership #NextLevel #lasvegas
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Allen Redd, Jr.:
PlanNet Marketing Director's Summit was amazing!🌏✈️#travel #DirectorsSummit # #vegas #venetian # #legacy #style #classact
From Two-Star Director Kwanya Martin:
Shout out to the greatest CFO/President on the PlanNet. Thanks for all you do, Andy Cauthen. Heart Bigger than Texas! #firstclass #PlanNetStrong #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetCares #DirectorSummit2022
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Denise Klark:
This weekend was uplifting, encouraging, inspiring, motivational. When I tell you we have access to top income earners in this company, it’s no joke. We are absorbing all of the knowledge we can. With Orlanda Moore, Gregory Scott, and Natalie Graham and many more. #Vegas #BigTeamMentality #directorsummit #seetheworldwithme #moneymakingsideoftravel #buildingalegacy #2022ready
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Beverly Freeman:
Sometimes things get “out of focus” and you have to get things in perspective! #GetInTheGame #DiscoverWhoseCircleYouNeedToBeIn #MindShift #ChangeLives #SetPriorities #PlanNetMarketingDirectorsSummit2022
From Five-Star Director Letoria Mayberry:
What an amazing weekend and event!!! Much needed refueling! Always stay in learning and growing mode and Never miss an event you are qualified to attend! #PlanNetProud #lasvegas #venetianlasvegas
From Three-Star Director Carla Vault Scott:
OMG! The past three days at the PlanNet Marketing Director Summit has been AMAZING! Over 450 like-minded individuals came together to take their business to the next level. This was definitely a STELLAR, next level event. Thank you Donald and Deborah Bradley for continuing to make sacrifices and impacting the lives of thousands of individuals. #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetProud #NextLevel #Mindset #Execution #PeopleOverProfits
From Two-Star Director Robin Loving:
Our Director Summit in Vegas has already produced masses of nuggets. Our Conver$ations will be different. What does your Legacy look like? #differentconversations #findinghurtsandhealing #upgradingcircles
From Three-Star Director Quiana Butler:
Nothing better than building a business with dope people 💪🏾 Here’s a tip, go out and build your business. But spend A LOT of time building PEOPLE, that’s your biggest return on investment. I’m grateful to coach such amazing individuals.
From One-Star Director Danielle Galante:
V is for The Venetian in Vegas. The universe has a bigger story to write than you could ever write on your own. #vegas #vegasviews #focus #perspective #v #blueskies #skywriting #travel #opportunity #shoppes #resort #hotel #luxury #instaphoto #thevenetian #travelpluslifestyle #lifestyle #workfromanywhere🌎